Rocky Ridge
The landscape development associated with the Rocky Ridge Recreation Centre was truly a creative exercise in capturing the essence of place.
The strong building form inspired by the natural setting required a bold and responsible landscape approach that has resulted in an integrated seamless flow between building and land.
SMM were the landscape architects for the award-winning Rocky Ridge Recreation Centre. SMM’s role included working with GEC Architecture and the design team from the outset to establish the vision for the overall project to ensure a fluid integration of the unique building form within the landscape. SMM were responsible for all of the site development including a 3-acre wetland restoration and associated amenities including an arrival plaza, regional trail connections bioswales, basketball court, skatepark and informal seating areas for bird watching and relaxation. SMM also designed the parking areas with an organic layout including bioswales and raingardens to benefit long term sustainability. The project vision also required SMM to integrate an adjoining archaeologically rich rolling hill environmental reserve (ER) into the overall site development. Through thoughtful trail placement, minimal intervention and natural area restoration the hill (Calgary’s highest point) has become an important informal active and passive amenity for the site that can be accessed from the second level of the new centre.
2020 Award for Accessibility, Calgary Awards
2019 Prairie Wood Design Award, Institutional, Wood WORKS! Alberta
2018 Award of Excellence, Prairies Design Awards
2014 Award of Excellence Recreation Industry Awards of Excellence
2013 City Edge Development Award, Mayor’s Urban Design Awards, Calgary