Vision Plan for Downtown Regina
Creating a green vision for Regina, linking tree-lined active-transit corridors from downtown to Wascana Park, the southern extent of the city.
SMM was retained by the Regina Downtown Business Improvement District (RDBID) to lead the creation of a new Vision Plan for Downtown Regina. Taking direction from the RDBID’s Strategic Plan for 2022-24, the purpose of the Plan was to define a renewed vision and corresponding action plan that identify strategies for the RDBID and the City of Regina to undertake in the immediate and medium term.
Normally considered a strength, Regina’s particularly high concentration of office space in its downtown left it particularly vulnerable to such a sudden shift towards working from home. Despite this considerable challenge combined with a weakened economy and persistent concerns about safety, the downtown is also on the verge of receiving substantial public and private investment including the revitalization of key corridors, a $30M+ renovation to the Globe Theatre, and talk of a potential new downtown arena and main library branch.
In recognition of this unique opportunity, the focus of the Vision Plan was building on past efforts while generating new ideas for revitalizing the downtown that leverage the downtown’s many existing assets and strengths. Informed by an extensive background analysis and over twenty interviews with key stakeholders, the Vision Plan includes 25 actionable strategies including but not limited to: regulatory amendments, development incentives, public realm improvements, funding programs, and business retention / attraction strategies. Further, each strategy is linked to specific Vision Plan Goals and identifies lead actors and potential partners to guide their implementation. In this sense, the Vision Plan is an urgent call for commitment and roadmap for making the bold moves needed to reinvent and transform the downtown for a more vibrant, equitable, prosperous, and sustainable future.