Winnipeg Airport Master Plan
Depicting the diverse character of the regional landscape highlighting indigenous plantings and local materials through a variety of visitor experiences and site features. The pageantry and ceremony of the entry, arrival, and departure experiences, framed vistas, landmark features, pedestrian plazas and site amenities have a design lexis that typifies the regional qualities of Manitoba’s landscapes.
SMM guided the development of the James Armstrong Richardson International Airport Campus during its early stages, providing a clear framework and vision. The overall layout of the Master Plan depicts the diverse character of the regional landscape through a variety of visitor experiences and site features highlighting indigenous plantings and local materials. The pageantry and ceremony of the entry, arrival, and departure experiences, strategically framed vistas, landmark features, pedestrian plazas and site amenities will have a design lexis that typifies the regional qualities of Manitoba’s landscapes.
The conceptual landscape Master Plan was designed to be used as a guiding framework for future development and planning decisions to ensure that all aspects of development have a clearly defined site character consistent with the overall vision. Subsequently, we were on the winning teams for implementation, working closely with AECOM & Stantec for the entire site design.