Environmental Services
Native plants and wetlands are a part of our natural history, and a very practical part of our future. Well-designed and implemented native grass and wetland plantings are key facets in the solutions to many of the sustainability issues we face today.
The Scatliff + Miller + Murray (SMM) Environmental Group has decades of accumulated knowledge and proven results. We provide conceptual and detailed design, performance specifications and installation supervision for major upland, riparian and wetland revegetation projects. SMM and our team of applied ecologists are dedicated to improving the long-term environmental performance of landscapes through proven, best-practice design and implementation.
We are considered leaders in the field of sustainable landscape design. By basing our work on science SMM set new standards for the naturalization of uplands and constructed wetlands. SMM also specializes in native plant restorative work on highly disturbed landscapes such as mines, northern road construction, and Manitoba hydro dam upgrades. Based on our credibility and repeated successes, SMM developed native revegetation specifications for the Province of Manitoba through our involvement with the revegetation of newly constructed northern access roads on the east side of Lake Winnipeg. Members of our staff have also co-authored revegetation manuals that are considered by many to be industry standards for the Northern Great Plains.
SMM’s approach to native reclamation is geared toward large, field-scale construction projects, blending our methodology with ongoing construction, without compromising the quality of the product. Our approach has endured the test of time.
From ecologically innovative landscape design, to habitat assessment, to large scale revegetation design and project management, our environmental capabilities are founded on science and experience.